Classic man is for the smooth and classy guys. Frangce with (our version )of cool water inspired essential oil, sandlewood vanilla, and cedar leather essentaials. Your guy is sure to love this as a special gift. Other ingredients include: 100% raw and unrefined shea butter, almond butter, grapeseed oil, vegetable glycerin,arrow root powder, and plant based mica powder color mix ( titanium,smoke silver and black). All of our butter,oils, lotions, bath salts,and sugar scrubs are made with grade A, organic, vegan based and cruelty free products.
Classic Man Body Butter
Due to covid once this product is shipped or picked up, there is no return. But a refund is avilable before, product leaves the store, minus a $10 restocking fee.
Keep your product in a cool and dry storing place.Do not expose your butters to heat. Discard content after 2 years.